飼蠓2014.07.06 鋼筆

Feeding Mosquitos 2014.07.06 Fountain Pen Drawing

What do we fear most on weekends? We fear prisoners getting sick. Not only do prison guards and officials fear it, but prisoners fear it too, because there are no medical personnel at the prison on weekends. At least on non-holiday evenings, there are personnel from the Health and Hygiene section on duty, professional medical staff who can provide initial treatment and determine whether or not it is necessary to send the inmate for further treatment outside the prison.

Ordinary people who feel physical discomfort can always go to the hospital or to the emergency room, but for prisoners this is not the case, even though they are covered by the national health insurance program now. There are still no medical staff on duty on holidays, so if someone is really sick, the staff and the inmates are on their own. The inmate can only can lie on the bed under "observation" at the central station, first to relieve the pressure on our ward colleagues, and second to facilitate immediate evacuation if their condition worsens.

If any prisoner wants to go outside and go to the hospital ER, he or she must meet certain criteria relating to measurements such as blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. But what is the most important criteria? Adequate manpower! If there aren’t any prison staff make a determination, outside medical treatment is like a dream. Instead, they can only remain under observation by those of us who aren’t health care professionals until their health conditions get better and they can go back to the cell room. So in private we call this kind of "observation" ”Feeding Mosquitoes” in the summer, and “Feeling the Wind Blow" in the winner.  That’s the deterrent effect for some inmates who are especially fond of malingering.  The temperature often reaches over 40 °C in the ward in the summer! Go out cell room and “Feeding Mosquitoes” one or two hours may magically get better for some, but when the cold winter comes, “Wind Blowing” may cause stroke or heart attack.

Whenever an inmate tells me that he feels unwell, I think, "Even if he’s pretending, I also treat it as if it’s the truth." After all, it’s a human life we’re dealing with, so we can’t take chances.

This brings to mind a winter ten years ago in Taitung. An inmate hunched over and sweating heavily told me:
"I ache… a lot of blood in my urine …I afraid it’s another kidney stone."
"I'll report to Central Station."
The director arrived after ten minutes, first harshly scolding the inmate and telling him not make noise in the middle of the night, and then reproving me for believing what the inmate said. Finally he issued a directive:

"Give him a tablet of stomach medicine!"




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