Bargaining Chips 籌碼2014.07.08 Fountain Pen Drawing 鋼筆

He kept talking with me about his past and seemed to fear being forgotten by the world in an ambulance rushing to the hospital.
He was sentenced to life imprisonment for drug-trafficking and was released on parole after serving 20 years of his sentences
He worked plenty of jobs as a fish vendor, a newspaper delivery man, a direct marketing salesman, etc. while he was on probation.  He did not work for long at any of the jobs because the income could never compare with what he gained from drug trafficking.
"I wasted many years in the jail. Of course I had to make a fortune to make up for it,” he said. He spent all of his saving to establish a factory for drug manufacturing. He indeed earned a lot of money but eventually paid a high price. He was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment again. Taking revocation of parole and execution of the previous uncompleted sentence into account, he had to serve at least 40 years of his sentence. His mother was constantly at his side and visited him in jail frequently, which  made him feel the warmth of her concern, although conversely, his father not only never visited him even once, he even swindle people using his name and social connections. His wife and children left and lost contact with him. The spoils of drug manufacturing had been divvyed up and became the cause of family disputes. The foreign caretaker hired to look after his bedridden loving mother, who had suffered a stroke, had become an object his brothers fought over. In the end, his father and brothers were all against each other and no one took care of his mother. Hearing about that made him feel miserable.
"If a remission of prison sentences had been granted in 2011 [for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China], these problems would not exist. I assumed the remission of prison sentences could lead to my early release, and that was why I danced with the Devil. I did not expect that my family wouldn’t visit me anymore, that my sentence would be longer than my lifetime, or that my mother....." he said sadly.
I felt sorry for him and also surprised that he treated the anticipated remission as a bargaining chips which was not under his control. Without any bargaining chips in hand, he lost everything, his family, his love and his entire life.






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