Fountain Pen Drawing 2016.10.05
“How do you handle the life in the prison? Any plans after you get out?” The Buddhist nun asks the questions earnestly to the elderly inmate who’s got a lot of gray hair.
“I’ve handled it all right. But my health is getting worse and worse. I don’t think I’ll ever get out for my ‘three strikes’.” The old inmates rubs his waist when he gives the information.
The nun says “Take better care of yourself and always have positive thoughts. Tell me, what is the ‘three strikes law’?” She asks curiously.
“How to take better care of one’s health when he lives in a single ward? And why do you come when you don’t even know what ‘three strikes law’ is?” The elderly inmate can’t hold back his grumps.
The interview is cut short and ended awkwardly. The inmate shakes his head and murmurs “waste of my time” on his way into his ward.
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