
Expansion Program
Fountain Pen Drawing  2016.11.14.

Witnessing the expansion construction of the prison is counted a lifetime experience. The progress of the construction - drainage digging and ground preparation - outside of the walls is clearly made in just one day. The progress inside the walls is even more obvious - trees are all chopped within one day, which demonstrates a miraculous efficiency. 

The construction plaque of the public project that is displayed out front of the site declares the cost to be NT$333,000,000 (US$11.1 million) versus the total expansion budget of more than NT$580,000,000 (US$19.3 million). The expected completion is at the end of next year for an increased capacity of 1,080 more people. Such a spectacular affair is hard to come by. Time-lapse photography would have been a right way to document it. What a pity. It’d have served the purpose of both documenting and disclosing to the public how a 600-million construction project looks like. 


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