Necessity 餘地2013.09.27 Fountain Pen Drawing 鋼筆

This emaciated humpbacked guy couldn't fill the wheelchair. His neck was connected to a shunt catheter for dialysis, and the gauze had turned red from the leaking fluids.
"Ewam, he only weighs 38 kg. Be careful when you push him; if he falls, it may cause a fracture."  The nurse warned me again and again.
When I pushed him passing the waiting inmates, I faintly heard the whispered conversations ⋯
"He’s skinny enough …"
"Oh! Skeletal zombie…"
I stared at the speaker.  He probably heard it and felt restless again. This made me break into a cold sweat. I put my hands on his shoulders to comfort him. His anxiety was immediately reduced.
I always feel curious and greatly puzzled about such sick drug addicts.  Was he so sick that he used drugs to ease the pain, or did he use too many drugs and this has had caused his illness? Is it necessary to impose a penalty on a patient like this?
When the interview of the new inmates was finished, on my way to take the other detainees back to their cells, , one of them asked me doubtfully,
"Is there need for a person like this to go through the rehabilitation penalty?"
"It can't be helped…." I thought to myself, "Because he is not Wu Shuzhen [the wife of former President Chen Shuibian]."

「文蔚,他只有38公斤,要小心推,不然跌倒了鐵定骨折。」冠年妹妹再三叮嚀著。 推輪椅經過候診收容人面前,依稀聽到小聲的交談⋯⋯ 







1 comment:

Anonymous said...

曾經參加過你和四人幫的一日工作房好幾次 很喜歡你的幽默感 和 與眾不同對個案的想法 不同的看法 與引導

有陣子與年輕當兵的阿兵哥諮商 我較喜歡重大病患像是 吸毒 跳樓 燒炭 群毆 逃兵 酒駕 我發覺這些年輕人的家境貧寒 父母教育水準低落 尤其是在父母有外遇時 或父母出狀況 吵架 暴力頻頻發生時 課業一落千丈 此時 它們很容易 做出一些讓他們逃避痛苦的事情 從此也結交一群行為相似的朋友群

當事人的個性情緒不穩定時 在工作上 神經常常恍神發生 常常和家庭環境和交友 串在一塊 在家中經常是排行老二 上下都是哥哥 弟弟 有競爭行為發生 挑戰權威 個性衝動 火力十足的戰車 我想年輕時 如果 他們能遇上點化他們的導師 也許他們能成為領袖