
Fountain Pen Drawing  2017.01.03.

The subject about elderly inmates. The issues cover aging, diseases, re-adjustment after being discharged, and about how the corrections system treats “humans”. Is it legitimate enough to send a person who has committed serious crimes, high-risk sexual offense, false and abusive accusation and who have psychosis to a solitary confinement for ten or twenty years and not to provide any professional psychoanalysis, counseling and treatment? Or, all it does is just locking them away, isolating, retaliating until they die?

《鏡週刊》專文報導監獄高齡收容人的故事《【鏡相人間】活到老、關到死 高齡受刑人的故事》,讓我想起另一群,不太可能被關心的人⋯⋯

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