
The Old-Timer. The Newcomers. Fountain Pen Drawing  2017.01.15. This year’s substitutes that are just being recruited start their fieldwork and are learning the nuances of the guard and control job from an old-timer. Old-timer #1: Number one. If you have any relatives who are locked up here. Do not deposit money on their behalf. Newbie #1: Why not? Old-timer #1: Don’t ask why. Just follow officers’ orders. Or they may search your body in the public to embarrass you. Newbie #1: Oh. Old-timer #1: Number two. Don’t let the officers see you writing something that are not the book-keeping for the prison. Newbie #2: Why not? We can’t take notes? Old-timer #1: Don’t ask why. Just follow officers’ orders. He may take you as keeping a journal and that’s the end of your luck. Newbie #2: Oh. Newbie #1: Excuse me. I don’t remember seeing rules like these in the Prison Act and the Enforcement Rules. Old-timer #1: Do not have doubts. These rules are written in Officers’ heads. Do you want them to watch you so closely like the senior ones on the fourth post?

老鳥一號:第一,如果有在裡面關的親友,千萬不要幫他們去接見室匯錢。 菜鳥一號:為什麼? 老鳥一號:不為什麼,長官說了算,不然長官會當大家的面搜你的身給你難看。 菜鳥一號:哦~ 老鳥一號:第二,不要譠長官看到你寫公家簿冊以外的東西。 菜鳥二號:為什麼?抄筆記不行嗎? 老鳥一號:不為什麼,長官說了算,他會當你在寫日記,那你可就要倒大霉了。 菜鳥二號:哦~ 菜鳥一號:請問一下,我好像沒看到監獄行刑法和細則裡有這樣的規定啊? 老鳥一號:不要懷疑,這些規定都在長官腦海裡,你想像現在在四哨上的學長那樣,被釘得死死的嗎? 在一旁吸菸的老鳥二號說:而且別讓長官看到你跟四哨學長走太近,不然你以後的日子就難過了。 老鳥一號:喔,對了!還有,千千萬萬別理四哨學長那樣的鍋蓋頭,不然長官會說那是龐克頭,看到一次就罵你一次。 菜鳥一號:可是⋯⋯公務員不是沒髮禁嗎? 老鳥二號:不要管!長官就是威!他說不行就是不行,懂不懂? 兩隻菜鳥:哦!!!!!了解!!!!!!(筆記 老鳥一號:喂!長官來了,還不快收起來!不然又要被罵了!

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