The Teenage Fellatio Incident 尚書大人真機靈

“Ewam, something just happened at the juvenile unit.”
“What happened?”
“Two kids were forcing another kid to perform fellatio on them in the dormitory”
“How could this happen?”
“The two bullies knew the kid was in custody for offences against sexual autonomy, and claimed that he had bullied girls. They asked him to sit on the lower bunk bed next to the window while the other bully tied his hands up to prevent him from moving. The bully who the fellatio was given to stood in front of him to block the CCTV camera.”
“My goodness!”
“Hadn’t probation officers noticed his odd behavior during the interview, he would not have dared to do what he did. I heard the chief is infuriated by what had happened and is looking it to punish staff responsible for this.”

When the chief entered, he immediately asked, “Have you heard about what happened in the juvenile dormitory?”
“Of course!” I said.
In a serious tone, he said, “How come you didn’t realize this was going on given you’re on duty? This went on for nearly a month, and those responsible will be punished in accordance with investigations derived from the tapes.”

“Chief, there has always been a problem with the facilities provided for in the dormitory, didn’t you know about it?” I asked.
“Really?” the Chief questioned suspiciously.
“They shouldn’t have placed the set of beds next to the window. The camera placed at the lower bunks are easily covered by people standing beside their beds,” I said.

“Why didn’t you report it?” the Chief asked.
I replied, “How couldn’t I have reported it? Every staff on duty, including myself have reported in the past. I have talked to the supervisor. He said he couldn’t make such decisions. I have spoken to the ex-supervisor. He said it was an order from the warden and that it was none of my business. As of now, the ex-supervisor has retired and the warden transferred to another unit last year. Although I will receive my punishment because I didn’t pay enough attention in preventing the incident from happening, shouldn’t the officers who knew about the flaw in the system, yet failed to do anything about it, and those intermediate cadres who failed to report be responsible as well?”
The Chief appeared uneasy, “No! Please don’t have the impression that I am looking to punish someone by investigating the tapes. I’m only trying to clarify things. “

Before long, the beds beside the window were removed and the two juveniles were charged with offences against sexual autonomy. Related officers however, were never punished because the actual act of fellatio could not be proven from the tapes.
That’s the end of the story.


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